I was introduced to art an early age and did my first oil painting at the age of ten. I had great role models in my formative years and a vast array of styles and influences for painting. Intrigued by people with passion, I have been inspired to try many different approaches to art by studying many of the great artists. These various studies have helped to develop my own style and thoughts about art.
Human beings are colorful and multi-faceted with so many different emotions and behaviors contributing to the intangibles of human expression. Most people have a desire to be happy and contented, but some would rather be anywhere else than where they are.
Each piece I paint has a title which is an embodiment of the composition and my vision. Many of my recent works have ultraviolet messages embedded in the paintings that are invisible to the naked eye. Among my tools is the use of oil airbrush, tape, fingers, and of course brushes. I want my paint to mean something and have substance and purpose. My desire is to have my paintings create intrigue for the viewer.
Be Creative and shed the layers of self.
Find your core. | State your passion. | No rules. | Expose your feelings. | Get busy!